1. Send us your scripts
Upload your scripts here or ask your healthcare professional to email your scripts to pharmacy@dispensedirect.com.au
2. Account set up
Our team will set you up with a Dispense Direct account and you will receive a welcome email. You can follow the link to access our online ordering portal.
3. Support
A friendly pharmacist will contact you to talk through your medications and answer any questions you may have. You will also be guided through our ordering portal.
4. Review your order
Review which items you would like to order, confirm your shipping details and pay for your order securely.
5. Track your order
You order will be dispatched same-day*, and can be tracked via express post straight to your door.
*Same-day dispatch is available on orders placed by 2pm (AEST) that day.
6. Repeat order
If you have repeats on your script, simply log back into the portal to manage your scripts and place your next order.